A family-run Perthshire operation that distilled whisky for a short time in the 1820s.
Two distilleries are noted with the name Barkmill: one was in Aberdeenshire while the other was based in Perthshire. Their precise locations, however, are unknown.
The earliest Barkmill opened in Aberdeenshire under license to William Anderson & Co. in 1825, though it closed the following year.
The second occurrence of a Bankmill distillery was the Perthshire operation run by John McLeish from 1830-34.
A family-run Perthshire operation that distilled whisky for a short time in the 1820s.
A short-lived lost distillery in Lanarkshire, which operated under two licensees.
An isolated farm distillery in Ayrshire that was operational only briefly in 1795.