Gareloch distillery

Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky

Also called Rhu, this was one of a handful of distilleries in the Rhu area of Argyll and Bute. It survived 10 years from 1828 to 1838 under three distillers.

Gareloch distillery’s precise location is uncertain, but all indications are that it sat beside the Aldownick Burn close to what is now the main A814 road along the shore from Helensburgh north to Garelochhead. The area now seems to be private housing with large gardens.

  • Region
  • Production type
    Single malt
  • Distillery Status
  • Previous names

Gareloch History

Gareloch (or Rhu) distillery was first licensed to James Andrews from 1828 to 1830.

After a three-year shutdown, it was reopened by Joseph Paul in 1833, but closed again that year.

In 1837, distilling resumed under Messrs Paul and Hunter, but the partnership was dissolved in 1838 and the distillery irrevocably closed. 


  • 1828 Gareloch distillery is licensed to James Andrews
  • 1830 Andrews closes the distillery
  • 1833 Gareloch is reopened by Joseph Paul, but closed again that same year
  • 1837 Distilling resumes under Messrs Paul and Hunter
  • 1838 The partnership is dissolved and Gareloch is finally closed


Argyll and Bute
United Kingdom

See also

  • Altduanalt Altduanalt Altduanalt Distillery


    A short-lived distillery in the village of Rhu, on the east shore of Gareloch.

  • Dunoon Dunoon Dunoon Distillery


    An early 19th century distillery on the Cowal peninsula.

  • Ballure Ballure Ballure Distillery


    A lost distillery on the west coast of Kintyre, Argyll, recorded as operating in the 19th century.

  • Freeport Freeport Freeport Distillery


    One of Islay’s lost 19th century distilleries.

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