Airdrie, also known as Tobermore, was a successful and relatively long-surviving distillery.
The East Monkland distillery at Airdrie, Lanarkshire, distilled for five years under two licensees. It appears the distillery stood on what is today Quarry Road beside the North Burn, north of the town centre.
East Monkland was first licensed to James Finlay from 1825-26, then to MacIntyre, MacKay & Co from 1827-30, when it was closed.
Airdrie, also known as Tobermore, was a successful and relatively long-surviving distillery.
A short-lived lost distillery in Lanarkshire, which operated under two licensees.
Lowland grain distillery situated within the vast Moffat distilling complex.
Lowland malt distillery situated beside the Garnheath grain plant within Airdrie’s Moffat complex.